Thursday, October 6, 2011
It has been one week since I got my last round of chemo drugs. I seem to be doing okay this round, so far. I think what it really is, is that I have this thing down and I know what to expect and so far with this round there have been no surprises. Thank goodness for no surprises!
I wanted to thank all of my local friends here who have helped me this week and who will do so over the next couple of weeks for our family. One of my caregivers (my Mom) was sick this past week with Bronchitis and is just now feeling well enough to help out. My poor Dad who also has felt like he has come down with something has had to do all duties with the house, kids, me, and Mom. My husband has done his part too and I thank him for sleeping on the floor this week so I don’t catch whatever cold he has and so I can get a good night of sleep too. I am not one to come out and ask for help but when I did earlier this week you all helped us so much by bringing us meals and asking if there was anything we needed done or picked up at the store. The meals that you all have made for us has helped our family so much. When I think about all of you who stepped up to ask how you could help it brings tears to my eyes. Our community of friends and family is so giving and each and every one of you have taught me how to be selfless just by watching your pure acts of kindness.
Once I am beyond the bad times with this last round of chemo #6 I know I will gain the strength to feel the positive vibes I have held onto for so long. I promise to live my life in 2012 and beyond better than I have ever lived it before and will continue to be so thankful to each and every one of you who helped me along the way with encouragement, strength, and perserverance. I love you all.