September Postage Stamp Drive: Sept 1 – 30, 2024

We are announcing our September Postage Stamp Drive in honor of Pediatric Cancer Awareness! Our goal is to collect 10,000 Forever postage stamps.


Our very own Send A Smile Today Director, Joy Macdonald, knows first hand the impact cancer can have on a family as her 11 year old daughter, Hannah, is currently undergoing treatment for Medulloblastoma.  Hannah and her friends have made cards for Send A Smile Today in the past. Hannah is now a recipient of monthly cards from Send A Smile Today. “Sometimes when you have a diagnosis of cancer you just don’t know what to say to someone. The cards are the perfect way of letting someone know that they are thought of and cared about,” said Joy.


Joy supports other family members with cancer as well. Her mom has pancreatic cancer and her sisters have faced both breast cancer and colon cancer. Our cards have helped them know they are never alone. Please help us support those like Hannah and Joy’s mom and sisters. A simple card in the mail every single month can make all the difference for someone facing cancer.


There are 3 ways you can donate postage stamps. Our goal is to collect 10,000 Forever postage stamps:


  1. Make a monetary donation online on our secure website, send money with Zelle ( or mail a check payable to Send A Smile Today mailed to the address listed below.


  1. Buy stamps and mail them to us. Our address is:


Send A Smile Today

1706 S Walton Blvd #1820

Bentonville, AR 72712


  1. Purchase stamps online at or another favorite online retail store and enter our address for the shipping address. See above for our address.