Change to our envelope acceptance policy

We have changed our policy and are now only using one size envelope in our monthly mailings to help simplify our monthly mailing process. We mail over 800 cards per month and the number of people with cancer that we support continues to grow daily.

We now only accept size A9 self-sealing envelopes. The size of the A9 self-sealing envelope is 5 3/4″ x 8 3/4″. All of the various size greeting cards that we receive from our generous donors will fit into this size envelope.

We understand that many of you like to donate the matching size envelopes to match the size of your cards however we will no longer need these envelopes. When donating greeting cards to our organization, you may choose one of these three options:

  1. Donate any size greeting cards smaller than 5 3/4″ x 8 3/4″
  2. Donate any size greeting cards smaller than 5 3/4″ x 8 3/4″ and A9 self-sealing envelopes
  3. Donate any size greeting cards smaller than 5 3/4″ x 8 3/4″, A9 self-sealing envelopes and Forever postage stamps.

If our envelope inventory is low we will hold A9 self-sealing envelope drives just like we hold postage stamp drives when our postage stamp inventory is low.

We are grateful for you and truly could not provide smiles to those with cancer without your continued love and support.