Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Well, my friends out did themselves again. This is the week that we were supposed to be soaking up the rays and ocean at Hilton Head Island, SC. Since we couldn’t make it to the beach my friends brought the beach to us! In my friend’s backyard today was water, sand, water slides, beach music, ocean themed cupcakes, water balloon fights, fruit kabobs, sea shells, a painted HIlton Head Island lighthouse, face painting, balloon animals, and tons of drinks and food. My Mom and Dad bought Salty Dog T-shirts for everyone at the party that they had shipped directly from Hilton Head Island. It was a sea of purple since the kids all got purple shirts. My friend’s driveway was outlined in sand buckets displayed in a rainbow color. This was all a surprise to me. The whole experience was amazing and so touching. I was having a rough week with losing my hair, with my upcoming chemo date lurking, and missing a vacation to a place that relaxes me the most – the beach, and my friends just made my week. Thank you so much.
Tomorrow is my second chemotherapy treatment. After this one I will be 1/3 of the way done. I am hoping this next week goes like my first week did after the first round. It was tough but I was able to pull through and actually had about a week and a half to enjoy with my family. My Mom flew in town two days ago and my Dad arrived tonight. It makes me feel good to know that I will be taken care of by so many people. I am ready to get this one done!
I showed the kids my head the day after I had it cut off. Their reactions? Jacob said “well that wasn’t so bad.” and Ansley said “you look just like Shannon who has short hair. It doesn’t look so creepy.” It has taken Jacob a few days to become adjusted to the way I look. He’s being so brave as I would imagine it would be so hard to be a 9 year old boy and see your Mom look so different. You would never know I looked any different with the way Ansley has been treating me. Six year olds are so innocent and great. I asked Allen how he felt to be married to someone that looks like a man right now. He said the only thing he is worried about is how I am feeling. Me having no hair makes no difference to him. I knew there was a reason why I married that guy.