Thursday, August 11, 2011
I made another visit to the Cancer Center today. This time my Mom, Ansley, and Jacob accompanied me. Ansley and Mom waited in the waiting room while my very brave 9 year old kept me company and sat with me in the treatment room where I got another Iron drip today. This has been my 5th Iron drip in two weeks. My red blood count increased just slightly from Monday to 9.5. A week ago today it was 7. Monday it was 9.1 and today it is 9.5. To give you perspective a normal red blood count for a person not going through chemotherapy is between 12-16. The good news is I am feeling better and better each day. I am so excited to be getting some of my energy back. During the past couple of days I was able to take my kids to their summer sports and activities and be among all the normal people. I look forward to being one of those normal people in 2012. Next Thursday I will be 2/3 of the way done with chemo. That is one step closer to normal!