Friday, August 5, 2011

I went back to the Cancer Center both yesterday and today and had a 15 minute iron drip into my IV both days. My red blood count (hemoglobin) dropped down to 7 yesterday. A week ago it was at 8.3 and two weeks ago it was 10.4. I have been feeling extremely weak, huffing and puffing when walking up stairs, etc. which is a result of my low red count.

This coming Monday morning I will head back to the Cancer Center for another blood test. If my red blood count is still below 8 I will need to have a blood transfusion that morning. There is a chance that with these two iron drips and that my body should start producing red cells on its own perhaps starting tomorrow I may not need a transfusion. I won’t know for sure until they test my blood Monday morning.

Here’s hoping for more energy this weekend and that my body starts producing more red cells on its own again. My white blood and platelet counts look great so that is great news.
