Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Tomorrow is my next chemotherapy treatment (#3 of 6.) It is hard to believe the time has come already. I pray to God for the courage and strength to get through the next 7-10 days. I know they will not be easy and on some days will be downright hard. I pray that my kids will be in great hands with my family and friends looking after them when I don’t have the strength to do so. I pray that my husband and parents continue to be strong so that on the days that I am not they can carry me through.

The kids and I were talking the other day how school will be starting in just 4 weeks. Jacob was amazed that the summer was going so fast. He told me that time is flying by because he is having so much fun and is having a great summer. (I was so excited to hear this!) He then looked at me and said that my summer must feel like it is going so slow because of all the not fun things I am going through. I told him that wasn’t the case. My fun has been going to watch their swim meets, watching his baseball games, playing games with them, etc… Thanks to my family and friends it sounds like my kids are having a normal summer. Whew!
Last Saturday Jacob swam in his swim team’s conference championship meet. To honor me, his swim coach had Jacob and the three other boys in his medley relay team all wear pink swim caps in their race. I was so touched by this. The boys were easy to spot with their bright pink caps and I felt humbled when I watched them race with all their might.
Tonight we are celebrating Ansley’s 6 1/2 birthday because birthdays are worth celebrating!