Thursday, July 21, 2011
One more week to go until chemo treatment #3 so I wanted to check in and let everyone know how I am doing. I made it past all of the yucky chemo side effects about 9 days after the last treatment. However, I had to make an unplanned trip to the Cancer Center yesterday to have my blood work drawn. Since Sunday I have been having excessive bleeding from my menstrual cycle. My platelets and red blood count are lower than normal right now and may be causing some of my fatigue but my doctor saysis not a concern at this time. However, starting today and for the next ten days I will be taking Provera to stop my menstrual cycle. (Sorry to the men reading this if that totally grosses you out…)My Mom and the kids joined me yesterday to the Cancer Center where I had my blood drawn. I was excited to take the kids yesterday and show them where I go for my treatments as they had never been there before.Both kidssaid they liked it there. Jacob brought his putter and agolf ball andenjoyed playing golf on the rooftop where I get my treatments and Ansley thought the flowers there were really pretty. Now they will be able to picture the place in their heads when I talk about going there. I just added pictures to the photo gallery from yesterday’s visit.That’s it for now. Going to try to enjoy this next week before my next treatment.